Where to find a circle group?

I want to join a circle group. I have also good ideas how to improve circles.

I need to join a group as well, but first what is the improvement you want to make?

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I just discovered metri https://app.metri.xyz/ this is the new all in one wallet from gnosis including circles you don’t need connections there

I want to develop a circles dapp marketplace. So instead of trusting people you need to proof through this app that you offer something for your circles. The more people buy from you and leave good reputation the higher your trust score. The sybil resistance of this network comes not anymore from people just trusting each other but proving that they have something to offer for their circles which makes in my mind much more sense. Circles and marketplace should be one. Circles without a marketplace is like an elephant without legs just doesn’t work


That totally makes sense, I just wanted to see what you said before joining a group with you lol. That’s a great idea though and I’m down to help when and where I can. Plus if there’s something I can do or build I have friends who can :slight_smile:

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Thats so cool! I will create a github repo and will share the link here to hopefully work together looking forward


Here the repo link to the wiki i just created Home · mylife-plus/circles-marketplace Wiki · GitHub


Sounds great thanks, I’ll go check it out now.

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This is interesting, so if I provide a service of some sorts I’m able to enter the circle? Makes sense as having a community of people who had nothing to offer each other would be a mess. Before it was just if you knew someone than you where allowed to trade? I see the problem with the latter one, as if it was only built on trust there would be huge gaps in the supply chain. I have a question though, say I can paint a picture, play an instrument, blow glass, make a drum, write poetry, all these wonderful things. On the other hand lets say I couldn’t build a house, dig a pond, plant a garden, fix appliances or paint the fence. Would I still be considered valuable? More than likely the answer is yes :slight_smile: because we enjoy those things and want to be able to see the beauty. I’ve heard that to get money you have too step on someone or do something that’s considered bad for ones soul. This in my opinion takes away the ability to express beauty or did. It felt like those who had the money couldn’t make the art and those who didn’t have money had the ability to express themselves in a way that others who did would take note. That ability came from hard ships and suffering. Those who suffer most have the deepest well of expression to draw from. It seems like a good balance to me honestly, but I also see the need to overcome the misunderstanding that the wealthy don’t suffer. They do and we all do for some reason, not sure if it’s the vamping of energy or the need to be better than another. Competition isn’t a bad thing I’ve grown to enjoy it in a way. I can’t tell if I would bring the value you are looking for or not. I am able to do all of the things I mentioned at first, but full on food production I still lack. The idea of going back to tribes who decide what is valuable to them online is a really cool concept. Thank You for opening my eyes to a direction and a picture I was unaware of even after looking at it for some time now :slight_smile:


thank you you are very kind!

I think it makes sense how the system works now. You need to trust user a, so user a can swap his a circles with your circles. You don’t have to trust the seller to pay him with circles. I think it makes sense if you can only pay the sellers in circles he has a trust bond (a and b trust each other) with, instead of single trust relationships.

Yes i believe everyone has something to offer. Thats as sure as a tree growth.

I think that a good connection to myself and my environment let me create good art / magic

I think competition is relative. everything gets viewed from points of views. if you want to compete you can. i think skillful people give me inspirations.

I think circles will work. Food production will get automated away as most other things, but even without automation i think circles are an alternative financial system


I agree and I compete with myself not with others :slight_smile: and your right everyone does have something to offer. I notice certain powers that be purposely putting people in tight situations to mess with their ability to think clearly, which in turn doesn’t help them make good decisions. When one is in harmony with themselves and their environment they are usually in harmony with society as well and that makes for a way more peaceful place for everyone :slight_smile:

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Good call on the food production cause as I was looking at things and reading more and more, I felt like if everyone chipped in a little time on food production there would be no hungry people.

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Also from what I’ve seen and feel there is no right or wrong only perspective. If you are on the side that’s winning you see good if you are on the side that’s losing you feel bad. On the other hand I do have values, morals, and ethics but my ethics I try and keep on a global scale not my country or state.

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Yes i think harmony is efficiency is in flow is low resistance is love is tuning in is being open perceiving. Harmony is nature’s destiny

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That was beautiful and I totally agree :slight_smile:

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I feel we have some similar views about the world as well as life. I would love to be a part of what your building if you would allow me to join. I’m not the best at some of this but I do have a little time under my belt and don’t mind doing the things you don’t want to do or don’t have time to do.

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Sure thats great! I want to build this circle marketplace but i am not a developer. I can think a bit about design and app and functionality and the overall picture. We need devs. So i would make a figma prototype and explain the circles marketplace and circles exchange as good as possible but how to build it i only have clues

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I created this github repo there is also a discussion forum we could talk about the project there

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The Circles Garden app used to have an integrated marketplace, which made perfect sense for the coop-focus Circles started with. Moving forward, the our team will focus on building an open Circles protocol. As a result, the existing marketplace app will be discontinued. This change opens the field for developing various types of marketplaces on Circles! We d be happy to help you along the way


Thats cool, looking forward! When will the protocol ready to be used? Where can i follow the progress?

Also regarding the initial marketplace. Is it open source? Where can i read more about it and how it got implemented?

When i build a new marketplace, for example an ebay clone, i can then use the circles protocol to integrate the circles wallet and payment functionality? What else does the protocol provide?