If anyone is interested: I think it would be extremely valuable to think about a few very concrete scenarios in which Circles could be use.
The scenario should be:
who is offering goods and services for Circles? (e.g - a group of 5 people running a cafe)
why are they doing it?
Whose Circles do they accept? (only their Circles? Circles of friends as well? or even more?)
To whom do the people connect that are offering something (close Friends? others who offer also something, everyone?)
Is it acceptable to only spend Circles but not offer something for it?
What do you expect the $/€ value of one monthly Circles income in this scenario?
How many people will spend it all?
What could be potential conflicts?
What would be a conflict resolution mechanism?
How can this scenario grow?
Just as a high level input on how different scenarios could be:
could be that a dedicated group is running a cafe and everyone who nows someone there can pay the full amount in Circles there
another one could be that a bigger group of shops would use Circles but you could only pay x% of the price in Circles - the rest needs to be payed in €/$
A group of people decide to use Circles but they only connect to other people that also decide to offer there work /services for Circles
Good questions. I signed up for Grantcoin just so see how it works since I have not used a crypto currency before. The question of what I would use this currency for is crucial since there is no use for a currency that you can’t use for anything [duh]. So ideally the currency could be inserted in some kind of already existing system of exchanges. Existing UBI groups like “Mein Grundeinkommen” with 47.000+ users might also be a good place to start since the members have already thought about the idea.
Another interesting idea was announced today by Grantcoin: the integration of Grantcoin into some sort of new social media platform called “Ekata”.
So I guess the next question will be if enough people will be using this platform, so that the currency gets some meaning in real life. http://www.grantcoin.org/2016/09/15/ekata-social-platform-to-include-grantcoin-basic-income-and-e-payment-system/
Is it - beside the currency-idea - thinkable vision to adapt the circles principle also for other forms of contracts and distributions of power and rights within groups? - for example between startup partners, groups of real estate owners, family members?
Imagine someone like the german dm-market-billionaere götz werner - who is pro-ubi - deciting not only to transfer all his belongings to a foundation - but to transfer it (under ruleset-control of the the foundation) to a closed “dm-circles-group” including all workers (and maybe at some degree even customers) with circle-tokens acting like dm-shares? The group-rules might give more circles-power to those managing the companie/foundation in the beginning, but in the long run (about 20 yrs later) everyone would theoretically own the same amount, as long as he or she didnt got extra circles-distributions in the meantime following a yet or constantly to be defined ruleset, for example for creative ideas, extra work or whatever… What would it mean for motivation, how would such an entity compete in the free market on workers side and on customer side and on innovation side?