It should be noted that all of this is highly experimental. However - at this stage it feels valuable to experiment!
We created a “Circles group currency”. This Group Currency can be minted if you either hold CRC tokens from people that are directly members of the group or if you have “a path” to the group.
- Check wether a path from you to the group currency exists
You can check your path on:
Use From your username or your Safe address and for “to”:
This is e.g. the path for Vitalik:
Import your Circles account into Gnosis Safe
Next, you need to load your Circles account into the interface and import your key into a wallet like Metamask. Find a tutorial for this here. -
Open the Group Currency Safe app
Select your Circles Safe, switch to Gnosis Chain and go to “apps”
Next “Add custom app”
Add this URL
Find the " Early CRC adopter" group and mint the group currency
check “All groups”
Press “Simulate transaction”. In case there is an error message try again with a smaller mint amount. There are still stability issues related to the pathfinder and smaller amounts usually work better.
Find your Group tokens
If the previous step was successful you should find the group currency in the “asset list”
Note that the amount shown in the Safe interface will be different from what is shown in the Group currency app. The difference should roughly be a factor 2.8. This is because Group currency also use the “Time Circles representation” while the Safe shows the absolute numbers from the blockchain.
6a) Trade the group against any other token
Head over to Swapr and enter der Group currency token address to trade it: 0x939b2731997922F21ab0A0bAB500a949C0FC3550
While you can trade directly from your Circles Safe it might be easier to first send the group currency tokens from your Safe to your e.g. Metamask address.
6b) Redeem Group currency back to individual Circles
It is up to the group admin (could be a group/dao itself) to decide wether group currency can be redeemed again for individual Circles. In this group this is possible.
Head over to the “Zodiac exit app”
Next select the Safe that holds the individual Circles. This is the so called “treasury contract” of the Group Currncy: 0xce37D42ae996b2D9fF2066dd56C8Cd81ae8B00EF
Finally you should be ablt to “redeem” the group currency against the treasury. For 100 tokens of group currency you should always get 100 individual CRC - but it will be a mix out of all the individual CRC tokens the treasury holds - potentially including CRC that you do not trust.
If you made it to this point - please let us know here wether or not it worked