If a user does not claim her UBI for 90 days the account gets frozen (more infos here).
Unfortunately users are not well informed about this and even worse, if it happens they don’t get informed or any guidance what to do next. I am proposing here flows how to deal with that situation.
A) Minimal:
Inform the user that the account is frozen with a banner and link to a blogpost that explains what the user should do
Steps could be:
- Create new account.
- Edit name of old account so that new account can take over the name
- trust old account with new account
- transfer all CRC from old account to new account
- ask all your friends to trust new account
B) Advanced:
Ideally those steps would be automated with an interface.
- create a new safe (with the same device/owner) Though potentially this can lead to problems if a key has multiple Safes?
- register the new Safe
- trust old account and all accounts that the old account trusted
- transfer all CRC to new account
- we could have an on chain-registry where frozen accounts can announce their “successor”. If this is done accounts that trusted the old account could get a notification to trust the new account. Also, if one navigates to the old account one could get an information that there is a successor account.